Music Speed Changer changes audio tempo (speed) and pitch in realtime quick and easy. Just select an audio file, mark the region you want to play (and loop/repeat) and change tempo and pitch on the fly.
Use cases of Music Speed Changer are for instance: practicing guitar and other music instruments, transcriptions, change the speed of audiobooks, language learning...
- Change pitch and tempo (speed, time-stretch) independently
- Loop region
- Select region
- Import various formats including mp3, wav, m4a, ogg, aac, ...
Features of the full version:
- Available here:
- HQ audio output
- Support for arbitrary pitch (even deviating from semi-tones)
- Filtering
- Export to wav and mp3
- Volume amplification
- Channel selection
- Ad free
Questions, ideas, feedback? Contact us here:
Music Changer Speed perubahan tempo audio (kelajuan) dan padang dalam masa nyata cepat dan mudah. Hanya pilih fail audio, menandakan kawasan yang anda mahu bermain (dan gelung / ulang) dan mengubah tempo dan padang dengan cepat.
Gunakan kes Muzik Speed Changer adalah untuk contoh: gitar mengamalkan dan instrumen muzik lain, transkripsi, menukar kelajuan audiobooks, pembelajaran bahasa ...
- Tukar padang dan rentak (kelajuan, masa-mark) bebas
- Rantau Loop
- Pilih rantau
- Import pelbagai format termasuk mp3, wav, m4a, Ogg, aac, ...
Ciri-ciri versi penuh:
- Terdapat di sini:
- Output audio HQ
- Sokongan untuk padang sewenang-wenangnya (walaupun menyeleweng daripada semi-nada)
- Penapisan
- Eksport ke wav dan mp3
- Jilid amplifikasi
- Pemilihan Channel
- Iklan percuma
Soalan, idea-idea, maklum balas? Hubungi kami di sini:
Music Speed Changer changes audio tempo (speed) and pitch in realtime quick and easy. Just select an audio file, mark the region you want to play (and loop/repeat) and change tempo and pitch on the fly.
Use cases of Music Speed Changer are for instance: practicing guitar and other music instruments, transcriptions, change the speed of audiobooks, language learning...
- Change pitch and tempo (speed, time-stretch) independently
- Loop region
- Select region
- Import various formats including mp3, wav, m4a, ogg, aac, ...
Features of the full version:
- Available here:
- HQ audio output
- Support for arbitrary pitch (even deviating from semi-tones)
- Filtering
- Export to wav and mp3
- Volume amplification
- Channel selection
- Ad free
Questions, ideas, feedback? Contact us here: